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"no one is told any story but their own"
C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

Kara Chatham
Jul 16, 20172 min read
Baby Driver | Film
Baby Driver is a heist type film written and directed by Edgar Wright - the mind behind Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (screenplay and...

Kara Chatham
Jul 14, 20172 min read
Will | TNT Original
Will is TNT's taken on the life of William Shakespeare. It has Laurie Davidson in the role of Shakespeare. The series was created by...

Kara Chatham
Jul 12, 20172 min read
A Grain of Relationship
There are so many articles packed with advice for relationships. How to know if “they are the one” or that it’s toxic or whatever you’re...

Kara Chatham
Jun 29, 20172 min read
The Burnout is Real
Do you ever get to those moments when you’re just ready to fall apart from all of the stress you have from all of the things on your...

Kara Chatham
Jun 24, 20171 min read
More "I Shipt it"
The announcement from Yulin Kuang was released on June 13, 2017 that her short film/series is getting a second season! New characters and...

Kara Chatham
Jun 22, 20172 min read
Wonder Woman | Film
I cannot say that I understand when people say that this is the movie that we need right now. Maybe from the angle of it being a female...

Kara Chatham
Jun 21, 20172 min read
Rogue One | Film
I am really late to the party on this, but I have finally seen Rouge One. It was released back in December 2016, and it is meant to fill...

Kara Chatham
May 22, 20173 min read
Lessons from Self Employment
So I have effectively been self employed for a little over a year now. Owning your own company is a joy and a curse. It's a joy because...

Kara Chatham
May 20, 20173 min read
King Charles III | TV Movie
King Charles III is a play, that was made into a movie for television, that takes a look at what life might be like if Queen Elizabeth...

Kara Chatham
May 8, 20171 min read
A 2nd Season & Some Thoughts on 13 Reasons
Apparently it has been confirmed that there will be a second season to the Netflix series based on the Jay Asher novel. With as much...

Kara Chatham
Apr 19, 20172 min read
Is Authenticity a Myth?
I recently watched a video by John Green of the vlogbrothers and he was talking about how everything that we see on social media has been...

Kara Chatham
Apr 17, 20175 min read
Netflix | Thirteen Reasons Why
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This post is focused on how they took the book and turned it into a show. That's it. The show based on the book. How does...

Kara Chatham
Apr 6, 20173 min read
The Refresh Button
Lately I have been digging into my temperament - different than personality, but that also plays into what this blog is about, I think -...

Kara Chatham
Mar 29, 20172 min read
Novel | Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher
I know I'm tardy to the party on this novel because it was published in 2007, but...Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Oh my. Such a...

Kara Chatham
Feb 20, 20172 min read
Novel | The Door Keeper - Steen Jones
Today is the release date for Steen Jones' debut novel, The Door Keeper!!! This is a New Adult, Fantasy novel that revolves around the...

Kara Chatham
Jan 4, 20173 min read
We All have a Little Perfectionist in Us
I recently started this book, You're Loved No Matter What by Holley Gerth. I haven't made much of a dent in it yet, but I can honestly...

Kara Chatham
Dec 31, 20163 min read
Reflecting on 16. Going into 17.
As the year of 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is just around the corner, it's time to take a look at what has happened and see what...

Kara Chatham
Dec 9, 20162 min read
Web Series | Cate Morland Chronicles - Part 7
WARNING: Spoilers below EPISODE 39 I still don't believe that this episode is the end. But something that this episode gives us is...

Kara Chatham
Dec 5, 20162 min read
The Door Keeper Cover Reveal
I am so excited to be a part of this! I have been given the privilege to reveal the cover for a novel that was written by a friend of...

Kara Chatham
Dec 4, 20162 min read
Web Series | Cate Morland Chronicles - Part 6
EPISODE 33 And here is where things get messy with Cate and Henry. Cate's curiosity causes tension. Henry doesn't seem super upset, but...
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