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"no one is told any story but their own"
C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

Kara Chatham
Jan 4, 20173 min read
We All have a Little Perfectionist in Us
I recently started this book, You're Loved No Matter What by Holley Gerth. I haven't made much of a dent in it yet, but I can honestly...

Kara Chatham
Dec 31, 20163 min read
Reflecting on 16. Going into 17.
As the year of 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is just around the corner, it's time to take a look at what has happened and see what...

Kara Chatham
Nov 16, 20164 min read
Dystopian Society
With the way that 2016 has gone, and even the last five years, it looks like the things you would find in a dystopian novel are becoming...
Kara Chatham
Nov 9, 20162 min read
In a World of Chaos
It's the day after Election day. The day after what some will consider to be a victory and others a very hard defeat. I am not going to...

Kara Chatham
Oct 10, 20164 min read
Three Fictional Characters
I know I'm a bit late to this and I know I could do this challenge just like everyone else - post the collage on instagram without any...

Kara Chatham
Aug 14, 20162 min read
Once, Always
This weekend my Facebook news feed has been packed with Southerners band camp pictures and end of summer pictures. It's brought many...

Kara Chatham
Jul 31, 20163 min read
Everything's Changing... Wait... No It Isn't.
So it looks like summer is coming to a close. I guess I should be more specific - summer activities are coming to a close. The weather is...

Kara Chatham
Jul 21, 20163 min read
Belong Somewhere
Everyone has the desire to belong somewhere. At least, that is what I am told time and time again. We are created for community. But for...

Kara Chatham
Dec 28, 20152 min read
Now What?
So the big day has come and gone. Ten days ago I walked across a stage and received a red tube that was meant to represent the diploma...
Kara Chatham
Aug 31, 20152 min read
An Invitation to Unpack It All
Something I love about God is how He can reveal Himself through anything. Sometimes He shows me (or reminds me in this particular case)...

Kara Chatham
Aug 7, 20154 min read
More than Meets the Eye
First question my older brother asked me after he picked me up from my Summer job was "What is one word or phrase that could sum up your...
Kara Chatham
Apr 12, 20152 min read
Beauty of the Mess
Sometimes I feel trapped in this box of pressure to find the perfect companion, but there is no such thing. Simply because no human is...
Kara Chatham
Apr 6, 20153 min read
The Very Not Qualified
(I realize the improper nature of my post title, but it only helps prove my point that much more. So bear with me, please.) So an idea I...
Kara Chatham
Feb 26, 20153 min read
Perspective & Comparison
It has always been interesting how people perceive different things. Specifically, how people perceive stories and the way they are...
Kara Chatham
Feb 3, 20154 min read
Childhood Connections
This week at Engage – the college group I am a part of – the message was about Luke 18:10-14 Two men went up into the temple to pray, one...

Kara Chatham
Jan 28, 20153 min read
Always Watching. Always
Something that has been brought more and more to my attention lately is how many people pay attention to the content I post online. I’m...

Kara Chatham
Jan 22, 20154 min read
Spilling is Filling
I was having a conversation with someone about what it means to be an RA. The person made a comment about how I am more outgoing because...
Kara Chatham
Jan 19, 20152 min read
Parts of a Whole
There are more than one side to a story – always. I think they are worth finding out. In order to understand things completely you must...
Kara Chatham
Jan 16, 20152 min read
A Classic Case of Literary Jealousy
I have a terrible case of literary jealousy. I keep finding all of these wonderful webseries and blogs and stuff that are modernizing...

Kara Chatham
Dec 27, 20148 min read
Single Status: Blessing or Curse?
Before I really get into this post, I want to make it clear that I hope you all hear my heart on this. This post is full of things that...
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