Once upon a time, in a dorm room in Jacksonville, AL, a young-ish content creator hatched a plan for a series of video collaborations with a friend who was new to the YouTube content game.
We made four episodes...
...eight videos (one for each of our channels per "episode") as we would discuss different pieces of literature.
Well, we got a little reministent and decided to bring it back! But after several conversations, we decided that it should be a podcast - not a video series. Primarily because we can talk for hours (seriously) about any and all things literary, therefore the podcast format seemed to fit our needs better than videos.
Today is the soft launch of our podcast!
If you search for League of Lit on your preferred podcast listening platform, you will find an episode that introduces us and our goal with this podcast. Next week, October 13th, will be the first real episode of the podcast. We'll be talking about Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

We'll release new episodes on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from October until August. No new episodes will be released in September, unless we decide otherwise.
We're always looking for reccommendations!
Feel free to go to leagueoflit.tumblr.com and leave a suggestion there! You can also keep up with any news about the podcast there too - and/or follow me and Ciara on instagram or twitter.
Instagram Twitter Ciara - @thatciaraoverthere Ciara - @thatciarathere Kara - @imaginationnerd Kara - @imaginationnerd