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  • Writer's pictureKara Chatham

28 | Continuing What I Started

Honestly, it's crazy to think that another year has come to an end and a new one starts today.


Twenty-seven was a new start because I had so many new things in front of me and very little familiar things coming with me. It felt like a clean slate and I believe I have made great strides in the new - which isn't always easy. Because of all of the new, lots of things felt daunting and it was alluring to just ignore it all.

One of my favorite things that was a part of twenty-seven was getting to join in the fun at Chick-fil-A Hickory Flat. I mean, these photos are from my very first shift.

Not everyone can say that their first shift was a catering event, but mine was - at my high school alma mater no less. To be clear, I took those photos - I was not in any of the cow costumes (I have been in the cow costume, but it was not that day). I've gotten to help with a vast variety of projects over the last year. And I'm loving getting to help shape some of the culture at our store by creating a touch point for every staff member so that they feel heard and valued. There are plenty of other projects that are in talks and it'll be great to see what this next year holds.


But here we are - twenty-eight.

I think twenty-eight will be continuing what was started at twenty-seven. A lot of things are going well and there are some new things in the process and on the horizon. It may have taken a brief moment to hit my stride, but I think I've found my footing a little and have a pace to continue making better.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any anxiety looming over some of what is to come this year. To an extent I think that's just part of life. The uncertain is scary and causes anxiety, but we can choose to trust and believe that God will provide and protect. After all, hope sees God's promises even in our troubles. And God has promised that He "will never leave nor forsake" us (Joshua 1:5).

Photo Credit: Ciara Morris

One of the things I am kicking twenty-eight off with is the first actual episode of mine and Ciara's brand new podcast League of Lit! And you should totally go check it out - click here!


Here's to another year of adventures.

A year of creative shoots. A year of personal growth. A year of hoping my novel will be completed (accompanied by lots of hard work on it). A year of fostering relationships.

Here's to another year of memories.


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