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Post Playlist Life

Writer: Kara ChathamKara Chatham

On March 22 – 23, 2014 I attended a YouTube Convention called Playlist Live. I truly enjoyed myself. I had the pleasure of meeting a good amount of the people whom I admire in the YouTube community. I definitely learned a lot from the panels I attended and cannot wait to apply all of that information to my videos. I also learned a few things about attending conventions.

#1 – Meetups a great, but only if you don’t plan on attending anything else. I attended one meetup and I did enjoy having the chance to meet that one person, but I found that running into people outside of the meetups was easier. I got more signatures by not attending meetups.

#2 – There is no point in not trying to talk to these people. I didn’t run into anyone who didn’t want to talk. The conversations just didn’t really happen because I didn’t try to continue them. That is definitely the one thing I wish I would have done differently.

#3 – Fangirls exist and there is really no use in getting upset about their existence. I’m not saying that I got super upset that they were there, but I did overhear some who were extremely upset out their existence. From my perspective, as long as they do not impact my ability to enjoy the breakout sessions and my experience as a whole – I don’t really care that they are there. BUT they do tend to make the jobs of the security more difficult and cause some to feel not safe.

#4 – A day of rest after the whole experience is something that is most definitely needed – or at least a half day of rest. The day after Playlist I went to Disney World. I enjoyed myself as much as someone can when they are mentally exhausted. I think next year I just might go straight to the beach for a few days after Playlist. Sounds more relaxing to me.

Well that is a bit about my experience. I really did enjoy myself and it was awesome getting to meet a good amount of those whom I am subscribed to and admire their work. That is all I am going to share for now.

Until next time… Kara

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